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Here are the latest figures on the spread of the Covid-19 virus, updated in real time.

Both cases of the virus and associated deaths have risen sharply since the first cases emerged in China at the end of 2019..

Global distribution of deaths

You can use our interactive to explore the number of cases and deaths in different countries across the world since the start of the outbreak.

While many countries have hit hard by Covid-19, the number of deaths is following a different trajectory in each.

Cities – with their densely-packed, highly mobile populations – are responsible for a disproportionately high number of cases across the world.


Monitoring the cities at the heart of the Covid-19 outbreak

Cities – with their high population density, young and mobile demographics, and developed public transport systems – are particularly susceptible to rapidly-spreading viral outbreak. Here we drill down into subnational Covid-19 figures to show which areas are seeing disproportionate numbers of Covid-19 cases. While different countries count at different administrative levels, the pattern is clear: London and Madrid are “regions” in their own right, while New York State includes New York City, Ile-de-France covers Paris, and Lombardy covers Milan. This chart is currently being updated weekly with the latest figures – although some countries have a slight delay in publishing the very latest case numbers by region or state.


We are using the power of GlobalData’s huge network of economic analysts to start to track the impact of Covid-19 on different world regions and economic sectors. New charts will be added here in coming days and weeks, and constantly updated with the latest intelligence.


We are using exclusive dynamic figures provided by GlobalData analysts to track key economic indicators in major world economies hit by Covid-19. Deaths from the virus are plotted alongside the indexed performance of each country’s major stock exchange and the number of “active jobs” – jobs open for applications across all major industries. Figures are tracked daily from the March 1, 2020.

What you need to know

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