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Preclinical Animal Services

BIOCON provides expert preclinical animal services to the biomedical research community. Our over 30 years of experience in providing quality housing, breeding, and technical manipulations of research animals is unsurpassed.


649 Lofstrand Lane,
MD 20850,
United States of America
Fax Number

BIOCON provides expert preclinical animal services to the biomedical research community. Our over 30 years of experience in providing quality housing, breeding, and technical manipulations of research animals is unsurpassed.

In vitro and in vivo monoclonal antibodies

We perform product safety evaluations, long and short-term carcinogen studies, as well as the production and manipulation of monoclonal antibodies, in vitro and in vivo.

Animal breeding, immunology studies, toxicity testing and custom antibody production

We specialize in animal holding and breeding, immunology studies, acute and subchronic toxicity testing, product safety testing, contract management services for animal facilities, and custom antibody production.

Congenic mouse strains and transgenic mouse constructs

Our animal breeding experience includes the production of over 40 congenic mouse strains and over 100 transgenic mouse constructs for the NIH, NCI, and commercial clients.

Animal models for preclinical proof-of-concept studies

BIOCON provides assistance to its clients in the selection of appropriate animal models to meet their research needs.

Preclinical proof-of-concept studies often have unique technical requirements, and they can vary considerably in terms of their time and cost constraints. To accommodate these differences BIOCON typically designs custom protocols for its clients.

We follow a disciplined, structured methodology that solicits valuable client input at each stage. We also draw on our extensive, first-hand knowledge of small animal test species — all varieties of mice and rats, rabbits, guinea pigs, hamsters and ferrets — to present our clients with both traditional and innovative design formats. Our protocols are simple, elegant designs that make highly effective use of our clients’ resources.

General preclinical animal services

Our general services include:

  • Vaccine development
  • GreenLight™ quick tests (vaccines)
  • Carcinogen studies
  • Immunology studies (acute and sub-chronic)
  • Contract reagent production (in vivo and in vitro)
  • Product-safety testing
  • Animal facility contract management services
  • Colony management

Proof-of-concept testing services

Our proof-of-concept testing services include:

  • Protocol design and development
  • Toxicity testing (acute / sub-chronic)
  • ADME studies
  • DMPK studies
  • Oncogenicity studies
  • Phototoxicity studies
  • Immunotoxicity studies


BIOCON began working in the highly regulated government sector for such clients as the FDA, USDA, US military, CDC, and ten of the NIH institutes. Many of our government and commercial clients’ projects are now in clinical trials. We have an impeccable record of regulatory compliance, substantial in-house expertise and a quality-conscious program. Highlights include:

Regulatory compliance:

  • Continuously accredited by AAALAC since 1981
  • Exceed Animal Welfare Act Animal Care & Use
  • Facility guidelines
  • OLAW and USDA-registered
  • Compliant with CDC directives for bio safety

In-house capabilities:

  • GLP-compliant toxicology programs
  • Can provide BSL-2 laboratory conditions
  • Board-certified laboratory veterinarian
  • Have bred knockouts, transgenic strains (100) and congenic mouse strains (40)

Vaccine expertise:

  • Viral: HIV-AIDS, SARS, dengue fever, West Nile fever, JE, VEE, yellow fever and influenza
  • Bacterial: malaria, anthrax, tuberculosis, whooping cough, Staphylococcus, Pseudomonas, Shigella, ETEC, gonorrhea, bacterial pneumonia, bacterial meningitis, etc.
  • Chemical: ricin and nicotine
  • Other: prions and hookworm


649 Lofstrand Lane
MD 20850
United States of America

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