
SanaClis is proud to announce that we are supporting Paralympic tennis team player Tomas Masaryk. As a company committed to making a positive impact on society, we are thrilled to support an athlete who embodies the values of determination, resilience and excellence.

Tomas Masaryk is a talented Slovak former professional footballer who, following a tragic car accident, became a wheelchair tennis player. He has already achieved remarkable success in his career and has won numerous tournaments and medals.

As a partner, SanaClis will support Tomas in his journey to participate in the 2024 Paralympics in Paris. Our contribution will allow him to fully focus on training and getting ready for the games. We believe that backing athletes like Tomas doesn’t just promote sports and a healthy lifestyle, but also serves as an inspiration for people to overcome limitations.

It brings us great pride to support an athlete who symbolises hard work and thrives in the face of challenges. At SanaClis, we consider our support for Tomas to be a fundamental aspect of our dedication to overcoming adversity. We are confident that our partnership will help Tomas to achieve his goals and inspire many others to pursue their dreams.

Tomas will soon be travelling to the US Open Wheelchair Championship, which will take place from 5 to 10 September in New York. The entire SanaClis family wishes Tomas all the best in his upcoming competitions and we look forward to seeing him excel on the tennis court!