
DR Healthcare specialises in the research, development and certification of nutraceuticals and functional foods, as well as offers first-class medical nutrition products to clinical services.

Our company aims to inhibit chronic diseases through our portfolio, which can relieve pain and correct metabolic diseases and physiological dysfunctions. Our goods are principally associated with metabolic disorders caused by diamine oxidase (DAO) deficiency.

Expertise in medical nutrition

DR Healthcare offers nutraceutical goods from our production plant in multiple gastro-resistant compositions such as tablets, pellets, nanocapsules, microcapsules, micropellets and capsules. Furthermore, we adapt to current regulations of every field, as well as their marketing, on a global scale.

We also manufacture in vitro molecular diagnostic kits to diagnose activity levels of DAO, which are based on clinical and scientific evidence, certifying unparalleled biomedical practices.

DAO solutions and active components for third parties for veterinary, food and feeding sectors.
Food histamine typical metabolism.
Release of DAO and adjuvant components in their sites and their efficiency.
DAO insufficiency and its related pathologies.
Pipeline of DR Healthcare R&D in different medical areas.
DR Healthcare offers advanced technology for effective treatment.
DAO deficiency symptoms and associated pathologies caused by build-up in bloodstream of food histamine.
DAO treatments restore accurate food histamine metabolism, preventing the appearance of DAO deficiency symptoms and its related pathologies.
Our DAO enzyme ailments for DAO deficiency and its gastrointestinal, dermatological, neurological, psychiatric and muscular related pathologies.
Scientific proof on the dietary management of DAO deficiency indications.

DAO deficiency treatments

DR Healthcare’s Food for Special Medical Purposes (FSMP) DAOkids, probiDAO, fibroDAO, Migrasin, DAOfood plus and DAOfood are designed to treat DAO deficiency, as well as associated muscular, psychiatric, neurological, dermatological and gastrointestinal pathologies in both children and adults.

Our product portfolio can be found on online pharmacies and Amazon, as well as in pharmacies that specialise in DAO deficiency.

Therapies include Eficaps intelligent capsules, which release every ingredient at the directed site, comprising those to treat pathologies related to DAO deficiency.

World leader in DAO production

As a leader in DAO production, we offer tailored solutions for use within the veterinary, animal health and food sectors.

Modified to current standards and laws in food control, our DAO products define the administration of histamine levels, preventing intoxication risk emerging from high levels of intake from food.

Solutions for veterinary and food sectors

Our veterinary solutions are customised to avoid histamine intolerance in livestock, domestic animals and aquaculture, whose health is vital to evade pathophysiological effects, which trigger heightened histamine levels.

We also work with several global organisations. Entities such as the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and World Health Organization (WHO) have applied regulations that involve studying foods comprising enhanced levels of histamine and measures to inhibit manufacture through accurate preservation, processing and supply.

Third-party DAO enzyme manufacturing

As a leader in DAO research, development and application, DR Healthcare offers the enzyme to third parties as an active component for human and animal therapeutic and dietary purposes.

Our portfolio is available to food and pharmaceutical companies searching for a dependable supplier, showcasing the highest levels of production, regulatory support and quality of DAO, produced in our enzyme manufacturing plant in Tarragona, Spain.