
We are delighted to announce that Cassie (Syrenis Ltd), the leading platform for consent management, has achieved the Cyber Essentials Plus certification for the third year running. This is a rigorous assessment of our cybersecurity practices and processes, conducted by an independent auditor.

What is Cyber Essentials Plus?

Cyber Essentials Plus is a UK government scheme that helps organisations protect themselves against common cyber threats. It covers five essential areas: secure configuration, boundary firewalls and internet gateways, access control, malware protection, and patch management.

We have achieved both the base and higher levels of certification:

Cyber Essentials: Our self-assessment option provides robust protection against many common cyberattacks. This level is essential for safeguarding against basic threats and strengthening our security posture

Cyber Essentials Plus: Building upon the principles of Cyber Essentials, this advanced level includes a technical verification process with an independent auditor. It guarantees a higher level of cybersecurity readiness, enhancing our ability to fend off cyber threats effectively. It is the highest accreditation available

Why does this matter?

By achieving this certification, we demonstrate our commitment to safeguarding our own and our customers’ data, as well as complying with the highest standards of data protection regulation. We also show our readiness to work with public sector organisations that require Cyber Essentials Plus accreditation from their suppliers.

Cassie CTO David Murfitt said: “Data protection is in the very DNA of Cassie and so we are delighted to share that Cassie has once again attained the Cyber Essentials Plus certification for the third consecutive year, which along with our SOC2 accreditation, showcases our steadfast dedication to safeguarding our clients’ confidential data. With this accolade, our clients can have confidence that their data is always secure and protected, and we remain committed to making data security a fundamental aspect of our operations.”

At Cassie, we are committed to protecting our business and our customers from hacking and phishing attacks. Your trust is our top priority. We are continually working to meet ever-evolving data privacy requirements so that our customers can achieve compliance without compromise.