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SOM Biotech


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AI Drug Discovery and Development Company

SOM Biotech is an Artificial Intelligence AI drug discovery and development company focused on the development of therapies for orphan indications through the proprietary AI-based drug discovery technology.

Carrer de Baldiri Reixac,
4, 08028,

SOM Biotech is an AI drug discovery and development company focused on the development of therapies for orphan indications through the proprietary AI-based drug discovery technology.

We develop drugs for Orphan diseases for our internal pipeline but also develop strategic partnerships with major research centers and pharmaceutical companies, using AI to accelerate and boost their drug discovery process.

Clinically validated AI drug discovery and development technology

Although it is hard to find clinically-validated AI drug discovery technology, two SOM Biotech programmes have positive Clinical Phase 2a results. Clinical development of those programmes allowed to SOM Biotech to have the AI drug discovery technology with proof-of-concept.

Besides, the company has four programmes at the pre-clinical stage of development, and 20 projects at an early stage. All those programmes were obtained through our AI-based drug discovery technology.

We focus on the accelerated discovery of treatments for orphan indications via AI-based drug discovery technology.
SOM Biotech develops strategic partnerships with chief pharmaceutical companies and research centres.
Due to the Validated AI drug discovery technology, we accelerate the drug discovery process, transforming the R&D model.
Comparison of the % of times that SOM Biotech’s AI technology is the best ranked technology in the retrieval of active molecules within the top 1% rank by other technologies.
SOM Biotech is one of the Top Spanish Start-ups to follow in 2020 according to Sifted, baked by the Financial times.
Orphan diseases in numbers.

AI in Drug Discovery and Development

Through our unique computational technology SOMAI PRO, we can efficiently apply AI in Drug Discovery and Development.

We utilise an exclusive approach uniting efficient computational algorithms with thorough analysis and design carried out by our experts in biochemistry, molecular biology and computational chemistry. This allows us to acquire an extensive list of high-grade lead candidate targets and hits.

The entire procedure is shorter, cheaper and more efficient in comparison to a typical research and development (R&D) process, and because of the individual approach, it can be applied to multiple therapeutic areas. The technology and our work process are authenticated by a pipeline of SOM Biotech and our partners’ projects.

Identifying drugs to treat specific diseases

We successfully apply SOMAI PRO technology to identify medicines for the treatment of a specific disease, as well as to discover new mechanisms of action and applications for a drug.

The primary strength of our AI technology is that it identifies new mechanisms of action (biological activity) of molecules, determining its non-structural analogues with similar biological activity.

The process allows us to identify effective drugs for the treatment of diseases, as well as new applications for drugs with a high likelihood of success and reliable patent protection. This is a principal differentiating factor concerning most AI-based approaches that use methods based on data mining, structural similarity, or target structure.

AI drug discovery technology applied for any therapeutic area

Although for our pipeline, we have focused our activities on accelerated discovery of drugs to treat orphan diseases, with our partners, we work with different therapeutic areas for drug discovery. As an AI drug discovery technology with Proof-of-concept, SOMAI PRO suits applications to any therapeutic area and new chemical entities.

Specifically, the latter is a clear competitive advantage, which will enable us to use AI to accelerate and boost drug discovery.

We aim to develop value, creating partnerships with strategic partners to leverage the intrinsic potential of SOMAI PRO to discover treatments to tackle some of the most acute diseases.

Outstanding developmental team that achieves high-quality results

SOM Biotech’s development unit works alongside the company’s computational chemists to plan screening procedures in line with the particularity of every project.

The teams outline and enhance each parameter essential for effective project performance, accurately selecting the most suitable information used in the process.

As a result of the design, we can recover high-quality information from extensive databases, continuing to fast-track the drug discovery process and transform the current R&D model.

AI drug discovery technology with experimental validation

SOM Biotech completes comprehensive experimental validation of acquired data from medical and scientific standpoints, as well as from business perspectives.

For investigational authentication, our preclinical and clinical teams plan each experiment required to analyse specific molecules. Throughout the process, we use our team’s expertise and diverse profiles, as well as the estimation of key opinion leaders in each area

White Papers

  • Partnership presentation

    Unique advantages of SOMAI PRO include identification of new mechanisms of action of drugs (biological activity defined by Molecular Field Maps, which were not described before and non-structural analogues identification reliable patent protection.

  • Covid-19 Therapeutics

    The current Covid-19 pandemic situation has shown that repurposing drugs can be crucial for delivering new treatments to patients with agility.

Press Releases

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Carrer de Baldiri Reixac
4, 08028

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