
RWS Life Sciences provides translation, content management and intellectual property services for the pharmaceutical and life sciences industries. We help customers connect with people worldwide by communicating content at scale, to enable the protection and realisation of ideas and innovations.

Our localisation, translation and transcreation services, alongside our translation management technology, machine translation and translation productivity tools, help companies reach global audiences.

Our solutions improve process efficiency, reduce translation costs, and help get products to market more quickly. You can create real value for your teams and ecosystem partners to drive better outcomes for scientists, medical representatives, professionals, and patients alike.

RWS’ life sciences industry knowledge enables us to confidently handle translation requests for clinical trials.
RWS has global relationships with translators, instrument developers and survey research experts to optimise our translations.
All RWS regulatory translations go through a set of clearly defined stages before being approved.

Accurate translation for clinical trials

Translations are an essential component of advancing clinical trials, and RWS’ knowledge of and focus on the life sciences industry allows us to handle any translation request with confidence.

Our clinical trial management services start with a thorough project analysis, letting us determine the most appropriate and customised translation solution for each request. Our procedures are flexible to allow us to deliver in the most timely and cost-effective manner.

We can translate a variety of documents, including protocols, case report forms (CRFs), protocol synopses, electronic clinical outcomes assessments (eCOAs), electronic patient-reported outcomes (ePROs), adverse event reports, patient records, and event logs.

Linguistic validation for clinical outcomes assessments

RWS is a trusted authority for the linguistic validation and management of clinical outcomes assessments (COAs). Whether the assessment is intended for a patient, clinician or observer, our translations are accurate and equivalent to the source instrument in cultural and conceptual terms.

Our linguistic validation process is modelled on the US Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) patient-reported outcome (PRO) guidance document, as well as the International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research’s (ISPOR) good practice recommendations.

We have global relationships with translators, interviewers, instrument developers, survey research experts, clinicians and in-country reviewers, allowing us to run each validation project with ease and scientific accuracy.

Pharmaceutical regulatory document translation capabilities

Patients’ safety relies on accurate pharmaceutical product information, so translating product materials accurately is a priority for RWS. Our industry specialisation, regulatory and terminology knowledge ensure accurate and timely translation.

All translations go through a set of clearly defined stages, including translation by two highly qualified linguists, multilingual multimedia production, an additional quality control edit, a final pre-production review and an in-country review, before they are certified.

Our translations adhere to methods required by global regulatory authorities, including the European Medicines Agency (EMA).

Pharmaceutical product documents we can translate include patient information leaflets (PILs), summaries of product characteristics (SmPCs), packaging inserts, pharmaceutical product information, regulatory correspondence, and patient prescription information.

Translation services for medical and in-vitro devices

RWS’s translation experts and linguists are committed to managing the unique nuances of medical and in-vitro device projects, including labelling, product manuals and patents.

Our ISO 13485-certified translation processes, routine risk assessment procedures, technology solutions and intelligent use of translation memory provides clients with the highest quality translations possible.

We can translate usage instructions, packaging inserts and labels, operating and installation manuals, patents, manufacturing procedures, regulatory compliance documents, data sheets and software applications among other documents.

About RWS Life Sciences

RWS’s translation experience and knowledge has been developed over more than six decades. Our smart technology, deep expertise and collective global intelligence take clients’ content and ideas to worldwide audiences.

We serve the technology, pharmaceutical, medical, financial services, legal, chemical, automotive, government and telecommunications sectors in Europe, Asia Pacific, North and South America.