Elligo Health Research has partnered with Avallano to launch myTrialsConnect, an artificial intelligence (AI) powered clinical trial recruitment and engagement platform.

The platform allows patients to join both as part of the trial and as a patient in a healthcare provider’s network. After joining, they will receive alerts if they become eligible for a particular clinical trial based on an automated review of their medical records and chatbot-based surveys.

The use of AI in patient selection and recruitment for clinical trials has been increasing in recent years, due to the AI’s potential to increase the efficiency of the whole process.

As per GlobalData analysis, approximately 80% of global clinical trials fail due to low patient recruitment and retention. The use of AI-powered platforms can potentially alleviate this problem by increasing patient awareness and accessing a broader pool of participants.

GlobalData is the parent company of Clinical Trials Arena.

“myTrialsConnect addresses one of the major issues of clinical research today — finding qualified patients and engaging them before, during, and after the study,” said Elligo CEO, John Potthoff in the 26 October press release.

“By utilising the abundance of healthcare data with AI, this clinical trials ecosystem will bring value to all patients, providers, and researchers not only during studies but also beyond participation in clinical trials.”

On the provider side of the platform, myTrialsConnect creates a ‘virtual waiting room of patients’ based on their medical records and additional protocol-specific data not found in electronic health records (EHRs) gathered through chatbot surveys, thereby, facilitating patient recruitment.

Additional platform features include allowing patients to join through social media, allowing patients to access their full medical records and providing patients with eligible trial descriptions with an option to express interest in joining.