
At NN Translations we determine and provide the translation resources necessary for the development, implementation, maintenance and continuous improvement of the Quality Management System (QMS) and its efficiency. Resources may include:

– Human resources – at NN TRANSLATIONS EOOD competent staff is appointed on the basis of appropriate education, training, linguistic experience and skills in accordance with the nature of the company’s work. A copy of the documents certifying the qualification and experience of the translators is kept in the personal file of each translator.

– Infrastructure – administrative office, technical equipment for the implementation of processes, information systems, etc.

– Environment for the implementation of the processes – an environment is provided, suitable for the implementation of the processes and in accordance with the normative requirements for healthy and safe working conditions;

– Resources for monitoring and measurement – in the implementation of the main processes no specific technical means for monitoring and measurement are used. Specialist translators performing verification and editing of materials or linguistic validation are considered as resources for monitoring and measurement. Software product TRADOS STUDIO, version 2021 is used and validated by the local Trados official provider IVENTICA (licensed reseller for Bulgaria), respectively applicable for monitoring of the consistency of the translation, checking for spelling errors, punctuation, file format, translation errors, etc.

– Knowledge and experience – requirements for the competence and experience of the staff are defined in job descriptions. If necessary, trainings are planned and conducted.

In determining the need for resources, NN Translations takes into account the possibilities and limitations of the existing internal resources and the need for external providers – translators or specific services provided by them.

Contact us for more information on how we can help you with your translation or cognitive debriefing needs today!