Each week, Clinical Trials Arena journalists select top tweets that summarise the social media buzz in our sector, underpinned by GlobalData’s analytics. These social media signals help us understand brand sentiments and the themes driving conversations on social platforms. This new, thematic coverage is driven by our underlying Disruptor data which tracks all major deals, patents, company filings, hiring patterns and social media buzz across our sectors.

Metabolic disorders had more tweets with 101 posts, 15 contributors and a net sentiment score of 0.44. No buzz index or engagement was observed. The buzz index is given as a measure of recent mention activity for a trend and engagement is the sum of likes and tweets. Sixty nine tweets were neutral, 14 were positive and 18 tweets negative.

Diabetes prevention in people living with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) received some buzz as Daniel Drucker, a clinician scientist at Lunenfeld-Tanenbaum Research Institute (LTRI) tweeted that a larger trial might be advisable following a journal publication of Phase II randomised placebo-controlled trial assessing the glucose-lowering drug metformin for patients living with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and prediabetes.

On obesity, Ted Kyle, an advisor to the Obesity Society and past chair of the Obesity Action Coalition said that when people deny that obesity is a major health challenge, it denies them the right to seek help. While commenting on the conscienhealth.org article ‘Should obesity be an unmentionable diagnosis?’, the noted advocate for more rational health and obesity policies tweeted “Fighting weight #stigma does not require a false narrative about the pathophysiology of obesity”.